With telemedicine care tripling in the last month, what questions do you still have?
Co-hosted with our strategic partner, PAVMT, this Q&A-style webinar is aimed to give you a solid understanding of how embracing telemedicine can advance the PA profession. We’ll also inform physician assistants of the importance of owning individual physician assistant malpractice insurance that is comprehensive, covering all scope of practice as the regulatory landscape changes.
View the full recording of our casual Q&A-style conversation between experienced telemedicine PA, Sarah Purdy, and EVP of CM&F, William Sullivan below.
We have seen telehealth-based usage tripling in the last few months, and alongside that growth, telemedicine services are rapidly growing within the PA profession as well. It is crucial now more than ever to have a thorough understanding of the risks and opportunities for PAs practicing telemedicine, as well as how to stay protected. Some states have temporarily opened up supervisory restrictions on PAs and other states, like Minnesota and Oklahoma, are passing permanent laws giving PAs more practice autonomy. This is a trend that will continue to advance the PA profession.