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Childbirth Educator Malpractice Insurance

The essentials and benefits of having malpractice insurance coverage for childbirth educators.

What is Childbirth Educator Malpractice Insurance?

Professional malpractice insurance for childbirth educators or perinatal educators provides insurance coverage in the event that a claim or malpractice lawsuit is filed against them. As childbirth educators see their roles expand, the risk of being included in a malpractice suit also increases, making CBE malpractice insurance more important than ever. For perinatal professionals who are concerned about potential liability under these circumstances, the best way to combat the risk of litigation is to obtain a childbirth educator liability insurance policy.

Not having malpractice insurance leads to risk of personal damage to assets, career, finances

What Risks Do I Face as a Childbirth Educator That Warrants Malpractice Insurance?

A childbirth educator provides comprehensive information to expectant parents about pregnancy, labor and delivery as well as the options they have for birthing plans to help them overcome the anxiety they may have about the process. A childbirth educator will also design or lead classes on pregnancy and parenthood with a focus on post-birth care. Although childbirth educators or perinatal educators are not clinicians, meaning they do not provide medical advice, prescribe medicines, or make diagnoses, CBE’s are part of a team of healthcare professionals delivering sometimes complex medical service to patients and their families during an emotionally charged period of their lives. Under those circumstances, having the right perinatal educator malpractice insurance gives you as a childbirth educator peace of mind that your personal interests and financial assets are being protected.

Benefits of CM&F Malpractice Insurance Coverage

  • Coverage Options up to $2 Million per Claim
  • Full Consent to Settle Claims
  • License Defense Coverage Included
  • Sexual Misconduct Defense Included
  • Add Additional Insureds At Anytime
  • General Liability Available
  • Defense Costs in Addition to Liability Limits
  • HIPAA Defense Coverage Included
  • Telemedicine/Telehealth Coverage Included
  • 24/7 Portable Coverage That Covers You Everywhere You Go, Even in Volunteer, Per Diem or Contracted Work Assignments

Why Do I Need Childbirth Educator Malpractice Insurance?

Childbirth educator liability insurance is designed to protect personal assets and cover unexpected legal expenses in the event of a professional liability lawsuit. Even if you do not provide childbirth education services as an independent contractor, you should confirm the amount and type of professional liability insurance coverage offered to you by your employer. Having childbirth educator malpractice insurance coverage is an important consideration, regardless if you are self-employed or employed by a public or private clinic, hospital, or other health care group. If you are concerned about your employer’s liability insurance coverage, the best protection against any allegation is having individual perinatal educator liability insurance at a reasonable cost that will protect your personal interests and assets.

Want to know more about professional liability insurance? Visit our frequently asked questions or contact us.

baby feet in adult hands

quote icon for malpractice insurance cost

CM&F Childbirth Educator Insurance Coverage

At CM&F we believe the best protection against any allegation is having individual reliable childbirth educator liability insurance coverage at a reasonable cost that will protect your personal interests and assets. Most of our professional liability insurance products are available online fully automated for coverage review, policy quote and binding of insurance, which allows you to purchase coverage in minutes. If you would rather speak with one of our liability insurance policy specialists, you can call now to get coverage questions answered to get a free rate quote!

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CM&F Means Peace of Mind

CM&F was founded over a century ago. Through up and down markets, CM&F’s dedication to healthcare professionals has never wavered. CM&F remains committed to making it easy and cost-effective to secure vital professional insurance coverage with:

  • A++ Rated Liability Insurance & 4.8/5 Satisfaction Rating
  • Outstanding Customer Service with a Direct Contact Line
  • Superior Claims Management
  • Fast Automated Application Process – No Paperwork!
  • 24/7 Access to Your Personal Online Document Archive